Thursday, May 26, 2011

Katie & David's Wedding, Part 1: Wedding at the Salt Lake Temple

I already posted this once before, but Blogger had a huge crash a few weeks ago and they lost 7 of the posts I had written.  :(  So I apologize if you saw this last time I posted it, but it doesn't hurt to see an awesome couple like this twice, right?  You might remember Katie & David from their engagements, First Look, and formals sessions.  Their wedding day was really cold and we had a good amount of wind too after they came out of the temple.  They decided to do most of their formal pictures before the ceremony, which was awesome.  We got so many more pictures than I usually do on the grounds.  I love these two to death and had an amazingly fun time with them.  Keep an eye out for their adorable Chateau Faire reception coming soon to the blog! 

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