Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Blossom Special is Back!

This is our biggest special of the year!  Book any session within the next couple of weeks and receive 50% off the regular price.  The session must take place in the Fruit Heights orchard while it is still blossoming.  The blossoms are looking great right now and make for such a lovely backdrop.  Spaces are limited, so contact me today at to reserve your spot. When the blossoms are gone, so is the best deal of the year!
Here are a few examples from the blossoming Fruit Heights orchard last year:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Heather & Jason: Salt Lake Temple

It was a cold early February day when I went to the Salt Lake Temple to photograph Heather & Jason.  You might remember them from their formals session.  Before their sealing, things weren't going so great.  They were running behind, forgot to bring her winter cape, and when they went to pick up her bouquet it was ugly so they just had to go without.  Needless to say, Heather was upset.  But then they went into the temple for the ceremony, and when they came out again those things didn't matter so much anymore.  No matter what goes wrong on your wedding day, as long as you have your spouse by the end of it all, everything is going to be okay!
See the rest HERE

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wedding Season is Here!

April is the month when it finally starts to get warm and lots of summer brides and grooms have their engagements taken.  Here's a sneak peak of some of my most recent engagement sessions.  Each of these couples is so different, but they are all amazing!  I'm so glad I get to work with them.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Marc & Whitney's Engagements at the Salt Lake Library

Marc and Whitney made a delightful couple.  They are so nice and I've had so much fun with them.  I thought it was adorable how she had to stand on her tippie-toes to kiss him. The Salt Lake Library is a unique and awesome place for pictures.
See more of their engagements HERE

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Katie & David's formals, Part 2: Capitol Building and Memory Grove

Last week I posted the First Look section of Katie & David's formals session, and today I have the second part for you.  Their session was elegant and beautiful, and I loved every minute of it! 
Katie looked amazing in her fur.
See more from this session HERE