Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday was my first anniversary with the love of my life.  We spent two nights at his parent's cabin.  We had a really fun time and it was nice to get away for a bit.  We decided to take some first anniversary 'wedding' pictures of ourselves using a tripod.  Blake decided to get me a present, and it was a remote shutter release for my camera so that we could take pictures of ourselves much easier.  Romantic, I know.  But I was pretty happy about it.  So we got all done up and went out for pictures and I'm pretty happy with what we got.  I cannot believe it has been a year already.  Every day has been full of joy and I am so glad that Blake is mine.  I can only hope that the wedding couples I have been, and will be, privileged to photograph will be as happy as us.  I'll show more later, but here's one now.
One beautiful year over, countless more to go.  I love you beba, with all of my heart. <3

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